
We use innovative data and methods to study how changes in U.S. cities affect racial segregation and inequality to inform policy solutions that promote racial equity.

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Highlights & Recent News

February 2025

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang, Mira Joseph, Iris Zhang (PhD Candidate, Stanford), and researchers from the Housing Initiative at Penn co-authored a policy report presenting findings from a 1.5 year long evaluation of Keep People Housed, a homelessness prevention pilot program in Oakland.

Keep People Housed: Oakland’s Targeted Homelessness Prevention Pilot
by Mira Joseph, Cypress Marrs, Chi-Hyun Kim, Iris Zhang, Vincent Reina, and Jackelyn Hwang

January 2025

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang co-authored a paper in Cities examining how construction sites, recreational vehicles, and mismanaged trash in neighborhoods impact human well-being and perceptions of neighborhoods, using self-reported stress metrics and eye-tracking.

Psycho-behavioral Responses to Urban Scenes: An Exploration through Eye-tracking
by Arash Tavakoli, Isabella Douglas, Hae Young Noh, Jackelyn Hwang, and Sarah Billington

October 2024

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang and Iris Zhang (PhD Candidate, Stanford) published a policy brief on rent control in California in Scholars Strategy Network.

Rent Control’s Expansion and the Need for Local Control
by Jackelyn Hwang and Iris Zhang

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang and Iris Zhang (PhD Candidate, Stanford) also published a paper analyzing how gentrification influences residential mobility and whether its effects are racially stratified in City & Community.

The Reign of Racialized Residential Sorting: Gentrification and Residential Mobility in the Twenty-First Century
by Jackelyn Hwang and Iris Zhang

June 2024

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang and Prof. Nima Dahir published a paper in City & Community that analyzes residential transactions in San Francisco (1990–2017) to explore how racial disparities between property owners and residents influence neighborhood change.

Who Owns the Neighborhood? Ethnoracial Composition of Property Ownership and Neighborhood Trajectories in San Francisco
by Nima Dahir and Jackelyn Hwang

February 2024

Professors Jackelyn Hwang and Nima Dahir published a paper in Socius using city service request data and computer vision analysis to examine the neighborhood characteristics associated with propensities to request trash-related services across five large U.S. cities, revealing insights about spatial inequality and social control.

Cleaning Up the Neighborhood: White Influx and Differential Requests for Services
by Nima Dahir, Jackelyn Hwang, and Ang Yu

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang and Tianyuan Huang (PhD Candidate, Stanford) published a paper that uses a large street view time series dataset and an end-to-end change detection model to capture urban transformations at scale, offering a fine-grained tool to enhance sustainable urban planning.

CityPulse: Fine-Grained Assessment of Urban Change with Street View Time Series
by Tianyuan Huang, Zeija Woo, Jiajun Wu, Jackelyn Hwang, Ram Rajagopol

January 2024

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang and Iris Zhang (PhD Candidate, Stanford) published an article that investigates the impact of gentrification on the mobility patterns of residents using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) from 2001 to 2017 in Urban Affairs Review.

Where Do They Go? The Destinations of Residents Moving from Gentrifying Neighborhoods
by Lance Freeman, Jackelyn Hwang, Tyler Haupert and Iris Zhang

August 2023

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang and Nima Dahir (PhD Candidate, Stanford) published an article that uses large scale computer vision methods to detect trash levels in millions of street level images in Sociological Methods and Research.

Curating Training Data for Reliable Large-Scale Visual Data Analysis: Lessons from Identifying Trash in Street View Imagery
by Jackelyn Hwang, Nima Dahir, Mayuka Sarukkai, and Gabby Wright

April 2023

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang and Nikhil Naik (Salesforce Research) published an article introducing systematic social observation at scale, a pipeline for using visual data, crowdsourcing, and computer vision to identify visible characteristics of neighborhoods at a large scale in Sociological Methodology.

Systematic Social Observation at Scale: Using Crowdsourcing and Computer Vision to Measure Visible Neighborhood Conditions
by Jackelyn Hwang and Nikhil Naik

February 2023

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang and Vasudha Kumar released a policy report on housing insecurity in Oakland. This work was conducted in collaboration with the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the City of Oakland’s Housing & Community Development Department.

Policy Report: The State of Housing Insecurity in Oakland
by Jackelyn Hwang and Vasudha Kumar

January 2023

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang partnered with the King County Department of Public Health and the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco to publish a report on residential moving patterns in King County, WA between 2002 and 2017.

Who Moved and Where Did They Go? An analysis of residential moving patterns in King County, WA between 2002–2017
by Jackelyn Hwang, Bina P. Shrimali, and Public Health – Seattle & King County Assessment, Policy Development and Evaluation Unit

September 2022

The Lab received a $500,000 award to fund our project on understanding and tackling residential instability in Oakland, California. In partnership with the City’s Department of Housing & Community Development, the team (Prof. Jackelyn Hwang, Vasudha Kumar and Iris Zhang) will develop evidence-based insights and interventions to improve housing stability and racial disparities in Oakland.

Project: Tackling Residential Instability in Oakland
Stanford Impact Labs (Funder)

$4M awarded to 8 impact labs to combat social ills
Award announcement by Stanford University

August 2022

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang and Dr. Bina Shrimali (FRB SF) published an article on shared and crowded housing in the Bay Area in Housing Policy Debate.

Shared and Crowded Housing in the Bay Area: Where Gentrification and the Housing Crisis Meet COVID-19
by Jackelyn Hwang and Bina P. Shrimali

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang co-authored a working paper with Dr. Lei Ding (FRB Philadelphia) on the effects of COVID-19 on gentrification.

Has COVID Reversed Gentrification in Major U.S. Cities?
by Lei Ding and Jackelyn Hwang

July 2022

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang’s article with Tyler W. McDaniel (PhD Candidate, Stanford) on urban change and segregation in the 21st century was published in the Annual Review of Sociology.

Racialized Reshuffling: Urban Change and the Persistence of Segregation in the Twenty-First Century
by Jackelyn Hwang and Tyler W. McDaniel

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang, Becky Liang, Vasudha Kumar, and Dr. Jason Vargo (FRB SF) released a research brief on residential instability in the Bay Area during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Residential Instability in the Bay Area through the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Jackelyn Hwang, Becky Liang, Vasudha Kumar, and Jason Vargo

March 2022

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang and Iris Zhang (PhD Candidate, Stanford) partnered with the Urban Displacement Project (University of California, Berkeley) to release a new report assessing the impacts of market-rate housing production, subsidized housing development, and tenant protections on displacement and exclusion in the Bay Area.

Housing Market Interventions and Residential Mobility in the San Francisco Bay Area
by Karen Chapple, Jackelyn Hwang, Jae Sik Jeon, Iris Zhang, Julia Greenberg, and Bina P. Shrimali

Partnership Highlight: City of Oakland

In January 2025, Prof. Jackelyn Hwang, Mira Joseph, Iris Zhang, and research partners from the Housing Initiative at Penn presented findings and recommendations to the City of Oakland following the 1.5-year evaluation of the City’s pilot homelessness prevention program, Keep People Housed. The presentation was attended by officials from the City of Oakland and program administrators from Bay Area Community Services. The research team shared insights on program outreach, targeting, and outcomes.

Vasudha Kumar and Iris Zhang participated in the kick-off gathering for the City of Oakland’s pilot homelessness prevention program in July 2023. Kumar and Zhang are steering research to monitor and evaluate the pilot program.

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang presented at the Population Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin in May 2022. Watch on YouTube.

Understanding the Impacts of Rent Stabilization

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang presented at the Urban Land Institute Minnesota and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis in May 2022. (Virtual video event; presentation starts at 31:47.)

Dashboard: Residential Instability in Oakland

See how Oakland residents are experiencing residential instability.

Partners: Stanford DAMS; City of Oakland Housing & Community Development.

“Seeing” Spatial Contexts at Scale

Prof. Jackelyn Hwang spoke at the Summer School on Methods for Computational Social Science, 2019.

Breaking Down Gentrification

NPR Grapple’s interview with Lab Director Prof. Jackelyn Hwang on Gentrification in 2016.