Policy Report: The State of Housing Insecurity in Oakland

February 2023
Authors: Jackelyn Hwang, Vasudha Kumar

Safe and stable housing for all sets the foundation for thriving communities, health, and jobs. Yet despite fifty years of legislation prohibiting racial discrimination in lending and housing, many low-income renters and people of color remain disproportionately housing insecure. In the City of Oakland, policymakers have made progress by introducing policies to protect tenants and mitigate displacement, but stable housing remains out of reach for many. Amid COVID-19-related economic shocks and a worsening affordability crisis, residents are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of housing. In this brief, we examine the state of housing insecurity in Oakland, focusing on conditions among the City’s lowest-income renters and communities of color. We draw from a large-scale longitudinal dataset and in-depth interviews with 80 low-income residents conducted during the pandemic. We conclude with two sets of policy recommendations to promote housing stability in Oakland.

This work is part of an ongoing collaboration with the City of Oakland’s Department of Housing and Community Development to develop evidence-based insights and interventions to improve residential stability and racial equity.

Note: This report was revised in March 2023.

Article Citation

Hwang, Jackelyn, and Vasudha Kumar. 2023. “The State of Housing Insecurity in Oakland.” Retrieved from: https://ccrl.stanford.edu/publications/the-state-of-housing-insecurity-in-oakland.