Public Engagement
Practitioner Reports
Joseph, Mira1, Cypress Marrs2, Chi-Hyun Kim2, Iris Zhang1, Vincent Reina2, and Jackelyn Hwang1. 2025. Keep People Housed: Oakland's Targeted Homelessness Prevention Pilot.
1 Changing Cities Research Lab at Stanford University
2 Housing Initiative at Penn at the University of Pennsylvania
Hwang, Jackelyn, and Vasudha Kumar. 2023. “The State of Housing Insecurity in Oakland.” Changing Cities Research Lab.
Hwang, Jackelyn, Vasudha Kumar, and Elizabeth Kneebone. 2023. “Recent Findings on Residential Instability in Oakland.” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Community Development Research Brief 2023-02. doi: 10.24148/cdrb2023-02.
Hwang, Jackelyn, Bina P. Shrimali, Daniel C. Casey, Kimberly M. Tippens, Maxine K. Wright, Kirsten Wysen. 2023. “Who Moved and Where Did They Go? An analysis of residential moving patterns in King County, WA between 2002–2017.” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Community Development Research Brief 2023-01. doi: 10.24148/cdrb2023-01.
Ding, Lei, and Jackelyn Hwang. August 2022. “Has COVID Reversed Gentrification in Major U.S. Cities? An Empirical Examination of Residential Mobility in Gentrifying Neighborhoods During the COVID-19 Crisis.” Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Working Paper 22-20. doi:
Hwang, Jackelyn, Becky Liang, Vasudha Kumar, and Jason Vargo. 2022. “Residential Instability in the Bay Area through the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Community Development Research Brief 2022-04. doi: 10.24148/cdrb2022-4.
Chapple, Karen, Jackelyn Hwang, Jae Sik Jeon, Iris Zhang, Julia Greenberg, and Bina P. Shrimali. March 2022. “Housing Market Interventions and Residential Mobility in the San Francisco Bay Area.” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Community Development Working Paper 2022-1. doi: 10.24148/cdwp2022-01.
Hwang, Jackelyn and Vineet Gupta. May 2021. “Residential and Neighborhood Instability in Oakland.” Changing Cities Research Lab.
Hwang, Jackelyn, Vineet Gupta, and Bina P. Shrimali. May 2021. “Neighborhood Change and Residential Instability in Oakland.” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Community Development Working Paper 2021-1. doi: 10.24148/cdwp2021-01.
Featured in the City of Oakland Housing & Community Development Department’s 2021-2023 Strategic Action Plan
Hwang, Jackelyn and Bina P. Shrimali. April 2021. “Constrained Choices: Gentrification, Housing Affordability, and Residential Instability in the Bay Area.” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Community Development Research Brief 2021-2. doi: 10.24148/cdrb2021-02.
Hwang, Jackelyn and Bina P. Shrimali. October 2019. “Increasing Access to Affordable Housing Opportunities in Silicon Valley.” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Working Paper Series, No. 2019-01.
Ding, Lei, Jackelyn Hwang, and Eileen Divringi. October 2015. “A Practitioner’s Summary: Gentrification and Residential Mobility in Philadelphia.” Philadelphia, PA: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
Blog Posts & Essays
Chapple, Karen and Jackelyn Hwang (2022 Mar 25). “Should the Bay Area build new housing or protect existing tenants? Data shows neither is good enough.” San Francisco Chronicle.
Hwang, Jackelyn and Lei Ding. (2021 May 20). “How gentrification reproduces racial inequality.” Work in Progress Blog. American Sociological Association.
Shrimali, Bina P. and Jackelyn Hwang. (2021 Apr 15). “What We Learned about Residential Instability in the Bay Area.” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Community Development Blog.
Shrimali, Bina P. and Jackelyn Hwang. (2020 Jun 30). “Overcrowding in the Bay Area: Where the Housing Crisis meets COVID-19.” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Community Development Blog.
Hwang, Jackelyn. (2016 Dec). “Residential Mobility by Whites Maintains Segregation Despite Recent Changes.” The Dream Revisited Blog. NYU Furman Center.
Hwang, Jackelyn, Michael Hankinson, and Kreg Steven Brown. (2016 June 14). “When it comes to subprime lending, both race and space matter.” Work in Progress Blog. American Sociological Association.
Hwang, Jackelyn. (2015 October 21). “Immigration is an important dimension in how we understand gentrification across US cities.” USAPP—American Politics and Policy Blog. London School of Economics.
Hwang, Jackelyn. (2015 February 25). “Not All Hard-Hit Neighborhoods Recovery Equally.” Housing Perspectives Blog. Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies.
Hwang, Jackelyn. 2014. “How ‘Gentrification’ in American Cities Maintains Racial Inequality and Segregation.” Scholars Strategy Network Policy Briefs, August.
Hwang, Jackelyn and Robert J. Sampson. (2014 July 9). “Google Street View shows that gentrification in Chicago has largely bypassed poor minority neighborhoods, reinforcing urban inequality.” USAPP—American Politics and Policy Blog. London School of Economics.
Podcast & Media Appearances
Tavis Smiley (2021 Jul 21). “Jackie Hwang on Tavis Smiley.”
Beyer, Rebecca (2020 Dec). “The foreseeable future: You won’t go back to the same old office. If you go back at all.” Stanford Magazine.
Grapple Podcast (2016 Nov 2). “Episode 10: Breaking Down Gentrification with Jackelyn Hwang.” WHYY National Public Radio. Retrieved from .
Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane (2016 Mar 28). “How Schuylkill Yards could change West Philly.” WHYY National Public Radio. Retrieved from .
99% Invisible Podcast (2016 Mar 15). “Episode 204: The SoHo Effect.”
No Jargon Podcast (2016 Feb 2). “Episode 19: Changing Neighborhoods for Better or Worse.” Scholars Strategy Network.
News Coverage
Links to project-specific media coverage are available in the project pages.