Data Vignette Series: Residential Instability in Oakland
The Changing Cities Research Lab at Stanford University partnered with the City of Oakland’s Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco’s Community Development Department to study residential instability in the City of Oakland over the last two decades, resulting from increasing gentrification and decreasing housing affordability. We leveraged data on mobility and financial health from 2002-2020 from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Consumer Credit Panel/Equifax and administrative data on housing from the City of Oakland and Alameda County. In our analyses, we examined not only formal and informal forms of displacement, like evictions, foreclosures, and moving, but also invisible forms of residential instability before residents ever face displacement (e.g., financial instability, crowding) and where residents moved.
We recently published our findings in two reports: Neighborhood Change and Residential Instability in Oakland, and Residential and Neighborhood Instability in Oakland. These reports inform the City of Oakland HCD’s 2021-2023 Strategic Action Plan.
This series of data vignettes highlight our findings showing how and where different Oakland communities have been affected.
Read the Oakland Data Vignettes